Our company established in January 2004 as called GEOMAR İNŞAAT ve ALTYAPI A.Ş. with team having 25 years of experience in ground brokerage market. In the middle of 2004, depending on our experience, we have taken place in the world ground companies opening our GEOMAR GULF LLC in DUBAI, in 2005 GEOTAS KURYLS LLP in KAZAKHISTAN and in 2006 GEOENERJİ in UKRAIN.
Additionally since 2010 we are actively working in IRAQ , by the time january of 2014 we opened Baghdad Branch Ofice and got known in the Iraq market.
As GEOMAR A.Ş. and sister companies; our aim is to manufacture with ‘safety first’ understanding, complete projects and provide solutions for ground problems in both Turkiye and abroad.